
63 Years Old | Get Healthy participant

“My husband eats a lot better, not a lot of junk, but if he indulges I can say no and not let it worry me which makes me feel better in myself."

Having gone through breast cancer and losing her mother 3 months before, Elizabeth found she had become an emotional eater. Also suffering from different ailments like ulcers and nausea Elizabeth decided when she could no longer do up her trousers, it was time to change. 

“Going through chemotherapy, my diet wasn't very good and the treatment did some weird things to me."

Leading a fairly inactive life and indulging in the wrong foods prior to the program, Elizabeth often experienced bad reflux and aches and pains throughout her body. Since joining the program she has lost 6 kilograms and leads a much healthier lifestyle with her husband.

Elizabeth enjoys cooking healthier meals and is trying to get her husband to eat more fish by cooking salmon at least once a week, she also encourages him to step outside and go for a walk. Since completing the program Elizabeth does not suffer from bad reflux anymore, her general aches and pains have improved and she is more mobile around the house.