
50 Years Old | Get Healthy participant

“One of the things my health coach taught me was about calories, I am now very mindful of calories as well as 5 servings of fruit and vegetables…it has been a great learning experience."

Laurel knew she was putting on weight and decided after seeing The Get Healthy TV commercial she had nothing to lose by making a change to her life. Having recently moved to Sydney, Laurel admits finding a new job, establishing new friends and moving all contributed to her emotional eating.

However, with the help of her Get Healthy health coach Laurel now has the right knowledge and outlook to live a balanced lifestyle, and always has a constant reminder in the back of her head to make the right decisions. Laurel has continued to follow the program and now understands the principles of good nutrition.

Ever since joining the program Laurel gets up every morning at 5.30am, rolls out of bed and without thinking exercises 5 times a week through rain, hail or shine. She has taken up running and challenges herself to run a bit further each week.
Laurel has been an inspiration to her family and is very proud to say her daughter has joined the program following her success. Laurel's husband is incredibly proud of her and they now both enjoy her new healthier lifestyle. They both lead a more active lifestyle and are more inclined to do something active together like kayaking, cycling and they play social tennis together with another couple. 

Laurel and her daughter have both now run the City to Surf and they were rapt to have run the full 14km's.