
49 Years Old | Get Healthy participant

 maria inside

Maria joined the Get Healthy Service after experiencing a significant loss in her life. Maria wanted to be healthier and thought that losing some weight in the process would be a bonus.

"The coaching sessions really helped me gain a better understanding about my relationship with food. I've introduced a lot more vegetables into our family's diet and I now realise that our portion sizes were far bigger than they should be. I now take the stairs instead of the lift and walk more than I used to."

Before joining the Get Healthy Service, Maria was a carer for her children Tiarna and Tristan, who both had very high medical needs. Always placing her needs last, she was tired most of the time and ate meals for comfort.

Maria developed a great relationship with her Get Healthy Coach and felt that they really understood her circumstances. "We talked about the obstacles that could stop me sticking to my plan and worked out ways to manage these obstacles."

Maria graduated from the Service and found the support so useful that she has re-enrolled to continue to achieve her goals. "I have lost a few kilograms and several centimetres from my waist. My clothes fit me much better now and I feel so much more confident when shopping to try on styles which I would not have been able to previously. I have less aches and pains and am much more flexible and have more energy."

Following her own experience, Maria would recommend the Service.

"I would highly recommend this Service for anyone who would like to become healthy or even just gain a better understanding about their food and exercise habits."